Since it began, millions of snakes were burned and destroyed in Janmayjay’s yajna. Only a few were remaining. At this, Vasuki was very disturbed. His heart started beating from nervousness. He called his sister Jaratkaru and said, “Sister! My body is burning and head is spinning. I am getting dizzy losing consciousness. The entire world is spinning around. My heart is tearing apart. I feel as if any moment I would helplessly jump into the yajna’s fire. This is the purpose of that yajna. I married you to Jaratkaru for this event only. Now, protect me. As Lord Brahma had said, your son Aastik will stop this yajna. Although still an adolescent, all gods and elders respect him. Ask him to protect us.”
When she heard this, the ascetic’s wife Jaratkaru convinced her son Aastik to protect snakes. Aastik acknowledged his mother’s request and told Vasuki, “O king of snakes! Be at peace. I can honestly say that I will free you sankes from the curse. I have never lied even in jest. So do not consider my claim to be empty. I will please king Janmayjay with my amiable words and he will stop the yajna. Uncle! Have faith in me.”
Assuring Vasuki, Aastik set off to free snakes from the curse. When he reached the croweded Yajna site, the gatekeeper prevented him from going inside. He sang praises for the king and pleaded with him to allow entry. The king heard him and gave him permission to enter.
In the yajna site, Aastik sang praises in honour of god and all the learned scholars gathered there. This impressed the gathered scholars. Janmayjay understood everyone’s feelings and said, “Although still a boy, his words are as pleasing and mature as elders. I am very pleased with this boy and wish to grant him a boon. Do you agree?” The people gathered there agreed in unison, “Even if a Brahmin is a child, he is an equal in the eyes of a king. If he is a scholar, then it is even better. Therefore, you can grant him his wish.”
Janmayjay said, “You people strive to ensure that my Yajna is successful and Takshak snake arrives. After all, he is my prime enemy.”
The sages replied, “God Agni has conveyed that Takshak is frightened and is under the shelter of God Indra.”
Upset at this news, Janmayjay retorted, “You people should chant and perform a ritual that Indra too is burned into this fire along with Takshak.”
When the sages heard Janmayjay’s request, they started chanting even more ardently than before. Suddenly, everyone saw Takshak and Indra in the sky. Indra was terrified when he saw the Yajna and ran off abandoning Takshak. At this, Takshak was petrified and lost consciousess. With every moment, he started getting closer to the fire.
The Brahmins then told the king, “O king! Your task is near completion. Now, give a boon to the Brahmin boy.”
Janmayjay said, “O Brahmin son! I want to give a boon to a charming and learned scholar like you. So ask happily whatever your desire. I will aim to fulfil your most difficult wish.”
Aastik saw that Takshak was on the verge of falling into the Yajna’s fire and he decided to use that opportunity. He called our three times, “Stop! Stop! Stop!” With this command, Takshak stayed still in the sky. Aastik then said, “O great king! If you want to give me a boon, then end this Yajna so that snakes’s lives are saved.”
At this request, Janmayjay was displeased and he said, “O capable Brahmin! Ask for gold, silver, cows, or any other thing. I do not want to stop this Yajna.”
Aastik replied, “I do not wish for any of these things. For the welfare of my mother’s family, I want to end this Yajna.”
Janmayjay repeated his request several times but Aastik did not budge from his wish. When the surrounded gathering of scholars heard this discourse, they said in unison, “This Brahmin should get what he is wishing for.”
When repeatedly pressed by his scholars, King Janmayjay acquiesced, “All right! May Aastik’s wish come true! End this Yajna. Aastik, be happy. What our charioteer had predicted, let that too come true.”
As soon as Janmayjay said these words, a huge cheer went up. The king donated several good things to the ascetic who had come to perform the Yajna. He greeted and gave donation to even the charioteer who had predicted the end of the Yajna. Finally, he greeted Aastik with open arms, offered him refreshments and rewards, and bade him goodbye with pleasure. While Aastik was leaving, Janmayjay requested him, “Please pay a visit during my Ashwamedha Yajna.” Aastik agreed with pleasure.
He then returned to his uncle’s house and told the good news to his mother.
At that time, Vasuki’s courtyard was full of snakes who were saved from the Yajna’s pyre. When they heard Aastik’s tale, they were very thrilled. They lovingly greeted him and said, “Son! Ask us a boon for whatever you wish.” They repeatedly said, “Son! You have saved us from the mouth of death. We are very pleased with you. Tell us, what we should do so that it pleases you.”
Aastik replied, “I wish for a boon that whoever reads this story with happiness during the morning or evening should have no danger from snakes.”
When snakes heard Aastik’s request, they were delighted and proud. They said, “Darling boy! Your wish will be true. We will fulfil your wish with love and humility. Whoever chants any one of Asit, Aartiman, or Sunith mantras during the day or night will remain safe and unharmed from snakes. These mantras are:
Asit mantra:
Yo Jaratkaruna Jaati Jaratkaro Mahayashaha
Aastikaha Sarpsatre Vaha Pannagaan Yoabhyarakshat
Tam Smarantam Mahabhaga Na Maam Hisitumahanth
Translation: ‘From the union of Jaratkaru ascetic with a Jaratkaru snake woman, a famous sage named Aastik was born. He had protected snakes during the snake yajna. O fortunate snakes! I am remembering him. Do not stab me.’
Aartiman mantra:
Sarpapsarp Bhadram Te Gach Sarp Mahavish
Janmayjasya Yagyante Aastikvachanam Smar
Translation: O might poisonous snake! Your go. May you have good fortune! Now you leave. Remember what Aastik had said at the end of Janmayjay’s Yajna.
Sunith mantra:
Aastikasya Bacha Shrutva Yaha Sarpo Na Nivartate
Shatdha Bhidyate Moorghin Shishvrikshphalam Yatha
Translation: The snake who will not return even after listening to Aastik’s promise, his hood will split into hundreds of pieces like Sheesham fruit.Th
is is the story how Aastik saved snakes from the snake Yajna. He lived a happy and fruitful life for several years and then went to heaven leaving behind several children and grand-children. Those who read Aastik’s story are safe from snakes.
Hi, it is nice to see your blog. why don't you post more mythological stories?
ReplyDeleteभीष्म ने युधिस्ठर को बताई थी चार महत्वपूर्ण बाते, जिनसे अकाल मृत्यु को भी टाला जा सकता है !
ReplyDeleteभीष्म ने पहले ही कर दी थी इन 10 बातो की भविष्यवाणी, आज हो रहे है सच !
ReplyDeleteभीष्म पितामह शांतुन एवम गंगा के पुत्र थे, ये महाभारत के प्रमुख पात्रो में से एक पात्र थे. भगवान परशुराम के शिष्य भीष्म अपने समय के अत्यधिक बुद्धिमान एवम शक्तिशाली विद्वान थे. महाभारत ग्रन्थ के अनुसार भीष्म पितामह वे योद्धा थे जो हर प्रकार के अश्त्र एवम शास्त्रो का काट जानते थे तथा उन्हें युद्ध में हरा पाना
नामुमकिन था.
आगे पढ़े ==> भीष्म की भविष्यवाणी,प्रभु दर्शन,mahabharat ki ansuni ankahi kahaniyan
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